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5 Outcomes of COP28 Summit and what could not happen

Outcomes of COP28 Summit are clear after much discussions and debates. Many agreements were reached in this Summit, but it could not give any thing concrete that could halt the temperature rise, causing climate change. The points of this topic ...

Climate change-induced health issues in India

The article highlights the vulnerability of the districts for Climate change-induced health issues in India. The content of this article is useful for answering questions related to various subjects. It mainly touches 3 subjects, social issues- health, Disaster Management-Social impacts, ...

WHO Report on Worlwide Trends of Road Accidents

New: WHO has released a report on trends in road accidents in India and worldwide. Findings of the WHO report Global Trend: Between 2010 and 2021, worldwide road traffic deaths decreased by 5%, with 108 UN member countries reporting a ...

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